Father, in Jesus' name, I am thankful for Your presence in my life, Your guidance of my steps, and Your work in my heart to conform me to the image of Your Son Jesus. I ask You to fill me with Your Holy Spirit as You empower me to pray. Take my heart in Your hand, turn it away from sin and wickedness, and turn it towards You. Produce a godly sorrow in my soul over my sin that leads me to true repentance. Cause my soul to be grieved with what grieves Your Holy Spirit. Help me to hate what You hate and to love what You love. Do not allow me to live another moment not enjoying the intimacy with You that You created and redeemed me to have.
Jesus, bring me to the place where my heart's song is 'Nothing else, Nothing else, Nothing else will do I just want You!' May You be the treasure for which I will sell everything I have to purchase. Drain the love of this world from my heart and fill my heart to overflowing measure with the love of God. Show me every false god and idol that I've bowed down my heart to and worshiped. Lead me to renounce them, repent of my sins, and return to You my first love with my entire heart. Set my heart ablaze with a fiery passion for You that consumes my entire life. Make it a fire that can never be extinguished by the world, the flesh, and the devil. May I be a man whose heart is fully committed to You which causes You to show Yourself strong on my behalf. As the deer longs for the water brooks cause my soul to long after You. Above everything else make me a lover of God who loves You because You first loved me.
Jesus, help me to remain in You as Your Word remains in me that I may bear much fruit for the Father's glory. Bring me to the place where my priority is in line with Yours - that the name of our Father in heaven be treated as holy in the earth (beginning in my life). Cause my purpose to be Yours - for Your Kingdom to come and will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give me Your heart for Your bride, the Church. Anoint and use me to pray and preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to build up, encourage, exhort, and strengthen parts of the body of Christ here in the United States and throughout the nations of the earth. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and use me to bear witness for Jesus Christ to the broken, hurting, lost, and spiritually dead that You send me to.

Jesus, open the doors that You've called me to walk through to the people You've called me to minister to. Keep me completely dependent upon You - for apart from You I can do nothing. Yet grant me great confidence in You - for I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Do not let me go anywhere or do anything in a place or to a people where Your holy presence has not gone before me. For You are the only One who is essential, necessary, needed, and sufficient for life. I need You and so do all others. For You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life and no one comes to the Father except through You. Ride me and use me to take You, Jesus, to those You've given me the great privilege to co-labor with You in reaching. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!