Holy Father, thank You for choosing us in Christ before the foundation of the world and predestining us to be Your holy and blameless children whom You love. Thank You for the love that You have shown us in Jesus and the reminder of that love in the family of God. Thank You for the body of Christ and the gifts that You have given us of Your Holy Spirit, Your Word, Your presence, and one another. God, I personally want to thank You for the family that You have blessed me with. Thank You for the mercy, grace, and love that You've allowed me to experience in tangible ways through them.

God, thank You for being so patient with us as we complain, grumble, and murmur far more than we give You thanks and bless Your name. Thank You for bringing us out of the slave market of sin and the captivity of the evil one. Thank You that in Jesus You have already made full provision to bring us fully into the promised land of Your love and presence for the rest of eternity. Thank You for the Holy Spirit as a down payment of our inheritance. How amazing is it that the good work that You have begun in us that You will fulfill on the day Christ Jesus returns.

God, as a result of all of the things that You have done in Christ we are Yours and we belong to You. Jesus, You are our King. Take Your rightful place on the throne of our hearts as You reign and rule over the entirety of our lives. May our lives glorify Your name. Use us through prayer and the empowering of the Spirit to partner with You in the coming Your Kingdom and Your will being done on earth as it is in heaven. We ask You to open hearts and doors of opportunity for us to take the good news of Jesus Christ to our neighbors and the nations. As a result, may great multitudes of people encounter Jesus and receive forgiveness, grace, healing, salvation, and transformed lives.

God, keep us humble before Your Majestic Presence and in awe of You. For You are the King who is great and greatly to be praised. Your greatness is unsearchable. May we not be seeking fame and influence in this world but to point as many people as we can to the famous One Jesus. For there is salvation in no one else. Help us to be faithful and wise stewards over all that You entrust to us as we engage in Your Kingdom agenda that leads to the building up of the Church and the salvation of those outside of Christ. Thank You for calling us to Your Kingdom for a time such as this. Remove from us any and everything that would cause our hearts to drift from You and to be puffed up and prideful. Keep us from believing that this world needs us. May we always be mindful that we desperately need Jesus. Out of this posture may we be faithful ambassadors for Christ in the world. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!