Father, thank You for Your faithfulness to Your people yet one more day. You are so patient towards us and oh so good. Thank You for daily growing us in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and conforming each of Your children more and more to His image. Thank You for helping us to trust You to do in, through and around us what is too hard and impossible for us. Continue to move us ahead by faith in Your Word in spite of what our natural eyes see. Thank You for giving us enough light to take the next step in our pursuit of You and Your glory being revealed. Thank You that Your presence has gone before us preparing the way that You've set before us.
God, throw us out into waters that are too deep and fast moving for us to swim in so that we are reminded that we must cling to Christ lest we drown. Do not let us drift on the current of the world doing what we feel is best. Bend our hearts towards You to do Your will. Let us not live for the temporary but for the eternal as we daily live empowered by Your grace. Thank You for giving us everything that we need to love You, live for You, serve Your purpose, build Your Kingdom, do You will, and glorify Your name. Use us to carry Your presence and the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ into this world that desperately needs Him infinitely more than everything else they think that they need.

God, help us to avail ourselves to You without compromise, hesitation, and reservation. For that is what You did for us when You sent Your Son Jesus into the world for us. Do not let us hold anything back from You so that we may walk in a rich intimacy with You that overflows out of our lives. Make us pure and holy vessels to, in and through which the glory, gospel, and grace of Jesus Christ freely flows without hindrance. Do not let us give in to the cravings of our sinful nature, live for what our natural eyes see, and with the selfish ambition that is so prevalent in the world. Help us to yield to You Spirit, walk by faith and not by sight, and live with a desire to please You in everything.

Jesus, turn the hearts of Your followers away from the world and towards You. We know that we are far from perfect and yet we know from Your Word and throughout history that You have used imperfect people who stepped out in faith in You to spark nation shaking revivals. Do it again in our day and use us! Wake us up from our sleep and sober us from our drunkenness from the wine of the world. Produce a godly sorrow in our souls, by Your Spirit and Word, that leads us to repent. As we repent, revive us again O God! Unless You send revival Your Church will continue to look ungodly, unholy, and worldly as we hide in the shadows of sin rather than shine as Your lights in the world.
Jesus, in the midst of gross darkness may Your light shine brighter and brighter through Your Church. In this world filled with hate may Your love flow to, in, and through Your people to one another and the world. May You have the preeminence, priority, and first place only in our lives. May we be a people who love You with everything that we are and all that we have and to love those around us as we love ourselves. May Your Church be known for the unity that we have in You in the midst of our divided and polarized world. Give us Your compassion for those who do not know You. Send us to them to show them Jesus by lives radically transformed by Your grace that impacts how we speak, how we live, and how we treat them with dignity and respect. As we bear witness to who You are by the Spirit draw great multitudes to Yourself that they may have eternal life and be overwhelmed by God's love. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!