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Jesus, Use Us to Carry Your Presence and Your Word! (Prayer Journal 94)

Writer: David WilliamsDavid Williams

Father, in Jesus' name, fill Your children with Your Holy Spirit in overflowing measure. Grant us great boldness to bear witness for Jesus to all those You send us to. May Your manifest presence and power be so great in and through us that it is noticeable to all that we have been with Jesus. Lord Jesus You must increase and we must decrease. Let no flesh glory in Your presence but may You only be glorified in and through our lives. God, we ask that Your presence goes with us and if this is not the case then do not let us move forward. May this be our reality: Your presence before us, Your presence with us, and Your presence in us. God we need Your presence!

God, we also need Your Word. We are asking You to write Your Word on the tablets of our hearts in an overflowing manner that out of the abundance of our hearts our mouths will speak. Hold us up to Your lips and use us like a megaphone to amplify Your voice so that it is heard in the earth. Anoint us by Your Spirit and use us to speak as people who speak the very words of God. As Your Word is spoken through our lips we ask that You'd open ears to hear Your voice, eyes to see Your Son Jesus, minds to understand Your Word, mouths to confess Jesus is Lord, and hearts that believe that God raised Him from the dead.

God, may we be people who are not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Let us know nothing among those that You send us to except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Do not let our speech or preaching be with the enticing words of man's wisdom but in the demonstration of the Holy Spirit and His power so that our faith not rest in the wisdom of man but stand in the power of God. Give us daily encounters with You so that every bit of our lives is lived for Your priority of Your name being treated as holy and Your purpose of Your Kingdom coming and will being done on earth as it is in heaven. Consume our lives by Your presence, like the burning bush, so that people around us hear the Lord speak through us as they find themselves on holy ground.

God, pour Your Spirit out and convict people of their guilt concerning sin, righteousness, and judgment. Convince people of their desperate need for You and Your great love for them. Remove the blinders of the evil one from peoples eyes, lift the veil of sin that has darkened hearts, and cause the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of the invisible God to shine into their hearts. By the Spirit, we ask that You'd reveal Jesus and draw many to Him as You save souls and transform lives.

God, thank You for positioning us to show forth the reality of Jesus at this time in which we live. Lord Jesus untie us and ride us to carry Your presence and Word to those You send us to. Help us to be OK if no one notices us, compliments us, praises us, or thanks us as long as they get a glimpse of You and what You've made available to us. Jesus, thank You for leaving Your throne and the glory You shared with the Father in heaven. Thank You for coming into this world as a human being, living in perfect obedience to the Father even unto death upon a cross in order to forgive sins, reconcile people to God, and give the free gift of eternal life. In light of who You are and what You've done may we not only give You the praise from our lips but our lives fully surrendered to You. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!


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If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God...1 Peter 4:11a

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