God, You are the Creator of life. You are the One who gives each and every human being the same intrinsic value as we are all created in Your image and likeness. You are not like us in assigning one another differing relative values based on things like the capabilities possessed, size, nationality, color, gender, educational attainment, financial status, and popularity. You are the only One who can move our hearts to value life as You do.
God, empower us, Your children, to live pure and holy lives in an impure and unholy world. May sexual immorality, unplanned pregnancies, and abortion not be named nor true among us. God, grant us a fidelity to You and Your Word such that our marriages show forth the reality of the Triune God who lives in perfect community, fellowship, love, and unity. May our lives show forth the reality of Jesus Christ now. For some of us in the past lived in sexual immorality, were involved in pregnancies out of wedlock, and were complicit in the shedding of innocent blood through abortion.
Jesus, raise us up as trophies of Your grace who live out our new identities in You. Let us experience Your forgiveness, grace, healing, presence, and salvation in ways that are evident to a watching world. May the riches of Your mercy and grace freely given to us move us to take the gospel of Christ to the broken, hurting, lost, and spiritually dead all around us. Grant us Your holy perspective and help us to make You the issue - not preborn babies, not their mothers and fathers, not abortion, not those affected by abortion, not those who are committing this evil and wicked act, not politicians, and not the government. Grant us Your heart for each and every one of these and use us to be ministers of righteousness and justice.

Only the gospel of Jesus Christ can change hearts and lives: to help men and women live in sexual purity; to value and protect innocent human lives from the horror of abortion; to give abundant and eternal life to men and women in the crisis of an unplanned pregnancy; to empower moms and dads to raise up their children in the fear and instruction of the Lord; to help men and women honor You by choosing marriage and having sex in the context You established and blessed; to offer forgiveness, healing and salvation to those who have participated and been affected by abortion; to bring our political leaders to the knowledge of the intrinsic value and worth of preborn babies for the establishment of more laws that protect their lives.
Jesus, manifest Your presence among us and cause Your glory to humble us before You. Break our hearts and cause us to weep for not caring about You the Author of Life as we have dehumanized, disregarded, and devalued life created in Your image. Revive Your Church! Anoint and use us by Your powerful Spirit to bring a spiritual awakening that will once again put the fear of God in the hearts of men. Bring this nation to the place where there is high regard, reverence, and honor for You the Living God that causes us to value all human life from the womb to the tomb. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!