Holy Father, in Jesus' name, I bless You my God, my Lord, and my King! I ask that You would send a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon every local church and para-church ministry that is proclaiming the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the United States of America, the nations of the world, and the isles of the sea. O God be at work in powerful ways in the hearts and lives of Your children. Jesus, bring revival to Your Church and use Your Church to bring a great spiritual awakening that accelerates our witness of You to every nation, people group, tribe, and tongue.

Jesus, there is no hope for this world apart from You, the Savior of the world. We need a sovereign move of Your Spirit and Your Word to be loosed to the ends of the earth. Only You the King, that sits on Your throne established in the heavens and rules over all, has both the power and authority to cause Your Kingdom to come and will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Jesus, as Lord and God, You have delegated Your authority to Your Church and have commissioned us to make disciples of all nations with the assurance that You are with us every step along the journey.

God, use Your children to shine bright the light of Christ in these dark days that we are living in. Empower us by Your Holy Spirit to live holy lives in an ungodly world. Align our hearts and wills with Yours so that Jesus has the supremacy in everything. May we be a people who love You with all that we are and everything that we have. Help us to love one another as You, Jesus, have loved us so that the world may know that we follow You. Father, help us to see that we are one body, Christ's, that is to live in unity by the Spirit to testify to the world that You sent Your Son Jesus and love us as You love Him. God, grow our hearts for our brothers and sisters throughout the world and our witness of Christ to all nations. Purge the selfishness from our hearts and minds so that we are no longer just concerned with our lives, our marriages, our families, our ministries, our local congregations, our neighborhoods, our cities, our states, and our nations.
Jesus, give us Your compassion for those who are dead in their sins, alienated and separated from God, slaves of sin and captives of satan. Send us to them, in the power of the Holy Spirit, to preach to them Christ the One who brings the dead to life, reconciles people to God, and sets the captive souls free. As You have used others to minister to us Your forgiveness, grace, healing, hope, kindness, love, mercy, peace, salvation, and truth use us to minister these things to others through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus, You must increase and we must decrease so that You can use us to manifest Your presence as Your reveal Yourself and speak to others through our lips and lives. Jesus, this world needs You and we are Your holy temple to bring Your presence to people and access into Your Kingdom through faith in Your name. Amen!!!