Father, in Jesus' name, I bless and praise You my God and King. You are holy, righteous, and perfect in all of your ways. Your greatness is unsearchable. You are awesome and Almighty. You are altogether lovely. There is none like You. You are God alone and You alone are God. You are the One and only true and living God. You are glorious, good, gracious, and Your mercy endures forever.

You are the Sovereign Lord who is in total and complete control of all things. Every area and detail of my life is under Your sovereignty. Help me to humble myself before You and willingly give myself to You to partner in Your purposes. There are no accidents or coincidences in where I find myself today.
There is no person or organization that opens or closes doors to my destiny and purpose. Forgive me for the times that I have thought this were the case. My destiny and purpose are determined by You and You only. There is no earthly or spiritual power that is strong enough to keep me from walking in what You have for me. Help me to truly trust You.

God every place that You send me or allow me to go is where You want to use me to carry Your presence and Word. You have ordered my steps to this place and every opportunity set before me has been ordained by You. You do not need me to do anything and there is nothing of eternal value that I can do apart from You. Yet You have chosen me and want to use to partner with You in Your eternal plan and purpose.

God, You know absolutely everything about me and You still want everything to do with me. Help me to give myself to You without reservation, hesitation, or compromise. I am not my own. I am Yours. You have purchased me to be Your prize possession by the precious blood of Your Son Jesus. Use my life, marriage, family, ministry, and work to bring glory to Your name, to build Your Kingdom, and to do Your will on earth as it is in heaven.
I need You infinitely more than I could and will ever know. Help me to stop listening to and entertaining the lies of the devil but to hear and obey Your Word. Help me to yield and grant me great sensitivity to Your Spirit. Right where you have me in this moment and season of life use me to represent You. Manifest Your Presence, speak Your Words, and reveal Jesus through my life. In Jesus' name!!!