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Writer's pictureDavid Williams

Not To Us But To Your Name Be The Glory! (Prayer Journal 74)

Holy Father, in Jesus' name, we bless You and praise You. You are awesome, Almighty, and all together lovely. There is no one like You for You are God alone. God, help us to love You with everything that we are, look to You at all times, long for You like the deer longs for the water-brooks, and trust You with all of our hearts. I am so thankful that You are so gracious, kind, merciful, and patient towards us, your children.

God, shake us from apathy, complacency, and indifference as You enlarge our hearts for You. Set our hearts ablaze with a passion for You that will consume our entire lives. Burn away from us and off of us everything that is not like You, from You, or of You. Burn into us the very character qualities of Jesus, the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Fill us to overflowing measure with the Holy Spirit so that Your presence and words freely flow from our lives and lips to others. Grant us boldness, courage, insight, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom as You use our lives, marriages, families, and ministries to show forth the reality of Jesus in greater ways each and every day. Make these words, from William McDowell's song 'I Give Myself Away', the posture of our hearts in Your presence: 'My life is not my own to You I belong. I give myself to You. I give myself away so You can use me.'

O God, help us to get our eyes off of the world, the church, and even our own lives. Help us to fix them on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Help us to get our mind off of earthly things below and to think of heavenly things above where we are seated in the heavenly realms with Christ Jesus at Your right hand. Jesus, bring us to the place where our greatest priority lines up with Yours that the Father's name be treated as holy in all of the earth. May we be blown away by the truth that You are the exalted Lord seated on Your throne, worshiped and served by angelic beings who continually proclaim Your holiness and declare Your glory. 'You are worthy of it all for from You are all things, and to You are all things, You deserve the glory.' Great are You Lord and greatly to be praised. Your greatness is unsearchable!

God, forgive us for doubting You and Your love towards us. For You demonstrated Your love towards us in this that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. When we cannot trace Your hand, we can always trust Your heart. For Your heart is for us and Your heart is good. You have so faithfully and generously provided everything that we need to do Your will. Even when we have been faithless, You have been faithful for You can not deny Yourself. Thank You for Your presence with us, the lessons You have taught us, and rest that You've provided even during seasons in the wilderness. Time after time You have shown Yourself to be trustworthy. When we are on the mountaintops and the days are sunny do not ever let us forget that it is because Your favor. May all that we are and all that we have be given to You and used for Your glory.

God, awaken us to Your passion and to Your pleasure. Use us to take the gospel of Your Son Jesus to the Church and to the world. Do not let us shrink back in fear but to move forward in faith. Send Your holy presence before us and if this is not the case then do not let us move from this place. Thank You for enabling and strengthening us to do what You've called us to. For apart from You we can do nothing. Jesus, help us to abide in You as Your Word abides in us so that we can bear much fruit for the Father's glory. Thank You for open doors and promotions for Your purposes in Your time. Remove every ounce of selfish ambition and vain glory from our hearts and may our lives be for Your Kingdom cause and Your glory. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!

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