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People Knowing Jesus Far More Important Than Who They Vote For On November 3rd (Prayer Journal - 18)

Writer's picture: David WilliamsDavid Williams

Updated: Nov 5, 2020

Holy Father, in Jesus' name, we desperately need You. Yet the sad reality is that most people fail to realize their need for You even in the midst of a global pandemic, the escalation of racial tensions, polarizing politics, economic distress, the acceleration of natural disasters, violence among men, and hostility between nations. So many putting their hope in the November election, when we know that there is no man of woman who can solve the problems that we are facing. God we need You to manifest Your presence and for You to loose Your powerful Word throughout the earth.

God, please pour out Your powerful Spirit upon Your people, those of us who follow the Lord Jesus. Produce a godly sorrow in our souls over our failure to love You above all else and follow You wholeheartedly. Forgive us for the things that we have allowed to have precedence in our lives before You. Remind us of the heights from which we have fallen, lead us to repent, and to return to You our first love with our whole hearts. As we do, would You revive us again, O Lord? And then would You use us to bring a great spiritual awakening to our nation and world that desperately needs Jesus.

O God, bring us to the place where our hearts and wills are aligned with Yours. May You have the preeminence, priority, and first place only in our lives. Make us lovers of God who love You with all that we are and all that You've given us in response to the truth that You first loved us. Jesus, work in our hearts to love one another as You have loved us so that the world will know that we are Your disciples by the love that we have one for another. By Your Spirit, help us to live out the unity that we have in Christ displaying the manifold diversity of Your Church. Bring us, as You prayed Lord Jesus, to complete unity that the world would truly know that the Father sent You and has loved us even as He loved You.

O God, mobilize us together for Your mission of proclaiming the good news of Your Kingdom to people from every nation, tribe, people group, and tongue. The number of people needing Jesus is vast but the workers are few so I ask You, Lord Jesus, to send out workers into Your harvest field. As You do, grant us Your heart of compassion and compel us by Your love to take the gospel of Christ to the broken, hurting, lost, and spiritually dead in our homes, neighborhoods, nation, and world. Send us forth in Your mighty power to bear witness for Christ as You use us to win many to Your Kingdom. Anoint us by Your Spirit and send us to them to open their eyes, to turn them from darkness to light, From the power of satan to God, so that they may receive the forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are set apart through faith in Jesus Christ.

For God what we ultimately long for is the coming of Your Kingdom in its fullness at the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is then and only then when You will make all things new. You'll finally do away with satan, sin, and this fallen world. You'll make a new heaven and a new earth, and give us brand new bodies. In the new creation, You will dwell with us. You will wipe every year from our eyes and there will be no more death, mourning, crying, or pain for the old order of things will be passed away. But for those who fail to believe in Jesus and live ungodly lives in this present age - their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. In light of this eternal reality, help us, Your holy peop!e, to prioritize Jesus and Your Kingdom agenda above all else. In Jesus' name!


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If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God...1 Peter 4:11a

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