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Pour Out Your Spirit and Revive Your Church (Prayer Journal 19)

Writer's picture: David WilliamsDavid Williams

Updated: Nov 19, 2020

God, I must admit that I have allowed the things that are happening in the city of man to distract me from You and Your Kingdom that I am to seek first. God, You are the Sovereign Lord seated on Your holy throne. You will fulfill Your purposes in the earth regardless of whether Donald Trump or Joe Biden is the next President of the United States, whether the House and the Senate are controlled by Democrats or Republicans, and whether the Supreme Court leans to the right or to the left.

Help us Your holy people, who are redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ, to realize that our authority, influence, legitimacy, and power comes from You the King of kings and Lord of lords and not from earthly governments. God, help us, like Joseph and Daniel, to live for You in the midst of an ungodly and unholy culture. Use us to influence people in government, business, education, the media and those in entertainment, health care, the military, wall street and banking, non-profits, law enforcement, in the cities, suburbs, rural communities, in our neighborhoods, homes, and those that gather in local congregations.

Forgive us for trusting government more that we trust You and for making alliances with politicians that compromise the gospel. Forgive us for caring more about political parties and policies than people that Jesus came into the world to save. Forgive us for caring more about earthly riches than the lives of human beings created in the image of God. Forgive us for caring more about our status in the world than standing on the Word of God. Forgive us for fearing and wanting to please man rather than fearing and living with a sole aim to please You.

Forgive us for continuing to live according to the flesh (race, ethnicity, political parties, etc.) that makes it appear that we, Your people, are divided when we are reconciled to God together in Christ. This makes Christ and His gospel look ineffective, irrelevant, and powerless in our world that is divided by race and polarized by politics. Forgive us for just wanting to return back to business as usual when You are doing a new thing in the earth. Forgive us for longing and seeking comfort from the things of this world when Your name is a strong tower that the righteous can run to in the time of trouble and be safe. Forgive us for living in a manner that alienates us from those You've sent us to minister Christ to. Forgive us for criticizing our leaders when You've told us to pray for and honor those in authority over us (as we live under Your ultimate authority). Forgive us for rarely praying at all as we often live as if we can make it without You.

O God, produce a godly sorrow in our hearts that leads us to truly repent of our sins, to renounce our idols, and to return to You, our first love, with our whole hearts. Revive Your Church, Lord Jesus! We need a mighty outpouring of Your Holy Spirit upon this nation and upon the nations of the earth. Prepare the multitudes of broken, hurting, lost people for an encounter with Jesus and use Your Church to reap a great harvest of souls into the Kingdom of God. In Jesus' name. Amen!


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If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God...1 Peter 4:11a

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