Father, thank You for ministering to the depths of my soul as I share my heart with You. Thank You for the grace that You give to cast my burdens upon You as You sustain me and not allow me to be moved. You are my Rock, my Strong Tower, and my Hiding Place. In this world where everything that can be shaken is shaking, You are my eternal stability.
Bring me to the place where I want You more than anyone and anything else. The fact that I get disappointed with You and mad at You is because there are things that I want more than You. Yet I am to have no other gods besides or before You. I confess my sin and ask that You would drain the love of the world from my heart. Please fill my heart to overflowing measure with Your love.

Help me to always be mindful that in Christ I am a beloved child with whom You are well pleased. You do not love me based on what I do but solely because of who You are. Help me to cease from my striving and to rest in Your great love. You do not need me or for me to do anything for You. I need You and what You've done for me in Christ. Yet You want me and want to use me to partner with You in Your eternal purpose.

God bring me to the place where I stop trying to figure things out and surrender my life completely to You. My goings are of You. How then can I understand my own way? You do not want me to know what to do. You want me to live a life completely dependent on You and to have complete confidence that You are with me.
Keep me meditating on Your Word day and night. For Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I do not know where to go or what to do. I am lost without You. You are the air that I breath. You are my daily bread. Your very presence living in me. Your very Word spoken to me.

Speak to me Lord! Open up my ears to hear what the Spirit is saying in this hour. Soften my heart and help me to respond to You in faith and in obedience. May my sin not hinder me from walking in intimate fellowship with You or from partnering with You in Your eternal purpose. Move me to confess and repent of sin, to renounce idols and false gods, and return to You my first love with my whole heart.
Show me what You want me to do and empower me to do it. Help me to remember that I am not my own to do whatever I want to do. I am Yours bought by the precious blood of Jesus. My life is to glorify You, to partner with You in building Your Kingdom, and to do Your will on earth as it is in heaven. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit to overflowing measure and continue to conform my life to the image of Jesus.

Lord Jesus, wear my body as Your suit of clothes. Live Your resurrected life in and through me with great power and glory. Think through my mind. Hear through my ears. See through my eyes. Speak through my lips. Love and obey through my heart. Minister to others through my hands and send me where You will through these legs set on beautiful feet to preach Your gospel. Amen!!!