God, grant us Your heart for preborn children that You are knitting together in their mother's wombs. Make us bold and courageous to defend these innocent human lives, created in Your image, from the horrors of abortion. Forgive us for either participating in, being in agreement with, being complicit, being silent, or not caring as so much innocent blood has been shed in our nation and around the world.
God, give us Your heart of compassion for unmarried men and women who are, even right now, in crises due to an unplanned pregnancy. Let us not condemn them for their sin for Jesus You did not come into the world to condemn them but to save them. Use us to take Jesus to them, the One full of grace and truth, so that they may come to know the love of the Father, the forgiveness of sin, and the power to live a brand new life. God, let us see You move more moms and dads to choose life for their preborn babies and then raise them in the fear and instruction of the Lord. God, as we step out in faith to minister to them may we witness You breaking generational sins and beginning a legacy of faith that will impact future generations.
God, give us Your heart and send us to the multitude of women and men who are hurting, wounded, living under a cloud of condemnation, guilt, and shame, and broken because of an abortion in their past. Christ, heal their hurts, bind their wounds, lift the condemnation, guilt, and shame, and help them to grieve as You bring restoration to the brokenness of their lives. God, may we see a great number of these men and women forgiven, set free, and healed by the Lord Jesus Christ. May they come to see that You have purpose for their lives and that Your grace is infinitely greater than their sin.
God, thank You that You are able to take what the enemy meant for evil and You can turn it around and use it for good, for the saving of many lives. Jesus, use my life as an illustration for others of what the amazing grace of God can do in and through a life, marriage, family, and ministry for the glory of God. God, You are the Creator of every human life in Your image and likeness. You are the only one who can protect and save a human life from death and destruction. Though the devil came to steal, kill, and to destroy, we thank You, Jesus, that You came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. Jesus, You shared in our humanity so that by Your death You might break the power of him, satan, who holds the power of death. You have destroyed death and have brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. For those of us that know You, we are thankful and ask You to use us to take the hope of the gospel to the broken, hurting, lost, and spiritually dead around us. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!