Father, in spite of what my eyes see, my ears hear, my mind thinks, and my heart feels You are faithful and You are good. Help Your children to rest securely in Your sovereignty and grace. You have been firmly in control even as the United States of America has walked through the last 50 years of death and darkness because of rampant sexual immorality and the legalized killing of 63 million innocent preborn babies by abortion.

God, thank You for moving the hearts of human judges, six Supreme Court justices, to overturn this nation's legalization of abortion and covenant with death. If the blood of Abel cried out from the ground and You heard it then how much more the blood of innocent preborn babies killed in the wombs of their mothers. Their blood cries out for judgment and vengeance. Thank You for sending Jesus into the world, Him bearing the sin of the world, and having Your wrath poured out on Him for every sin. His shed blood now speaks a better word (mercy, grace, and forgiveness) for those who trust in Him.

God, You are wanting to use the Church to carry the presence of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ into this area of sin and death that has greatly shaken and severely broken the foundations of our society - marriages and families. Awaken us from our sleep and slumber as You work in our hearts by the Holy Spirit to forsake worldly ways, repent of our sin, and return to You. Jesus anoint Your followers and send us to the broken, confused, hurting, lost, and spiritually dead all around us. Give us eyes to see them as You do and Your heart of compassion that compels us to take You to them. God, turn the hearts of wicked men and women away from their sin and towards Your Son Jesus. God pour out Your Spirit and move many in our nation to confess their sin and to repent of their idolatry, immorality, and inhumanity against You.

God, You opened the door and used me nine years ago to share the testimony of Christ's forgiveness for an abortion at a pregnancy center banquet. Little would I have guessed that was Your positioning me in Your Kingdom for a time such as this. In the midst of the opposition of the evil one and those he has taken captive to do his will, do not let me shrink back in fear but to move forward in faith with my eyes fixed on Jesus. God, show me Your glory. Give me a holy encounter with You, like Moses had with You at the burning bush, that will propel me forward in Your holy purpose from this day until the day am fully with You in Your presence. In Jesus' name, Amen!!!