This is a prayer for life for those involved and affected by an unplanned pregnancy or abortion decision. My prayer is that as we pray it corporately that God will shine the life and light of Jesus Christ into the death and darkness of our world.

Father, in Jesus name, we bless and praise You for You are the One and only true and living God. You are the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the Maker of all things visible and invisible. You are the Author of Life who has made human beings in Your image and likeness. This means that every human being has intrinsic value and worth and an unalienable right to life. This is true even for the preborn babies that You are knitting together in their mother's wombs.
O God there is so much innocent blood crying out to You from the multiplied millions of preborn babies violently killed by abortion each and every year around the world. Forgive us for being in agreement, complicit, complacent, and silent regarding this grave injustice and wicked sin. Awaken and arise Your holy and redeemed people to defend the neediest and weakest among us. Help us to be a good neighbor to our smallest and most vulnerable neighbors by speaking up for those who can not speak for themselves. Move the hearts of our governmental leaders to pass and establish laws that defend and protect all human life from the womb to the end of life and repeal those that do not.
O God help us to see the lives of the mothers and fathers of preborn babies the way that You do. Give us Your heart to reach out to them and not just to speak up for the babies in the womb. But because they too are created in the image of God. You long for them to know and experience new life in Christ. Forgive us for often failing to truly value them because of their lifestyle choices and sin.
O God awaken the Church to the opportunities for sharing Your hope and love through the gospel of Jesus Christ with men and women who are in 'crisis' due to an unplanned pregnancy. May we come alongside of them to care for their physical needs and minister Christ to their hungry and thirsty souls. We pray that You would give them new hearts and new lives and move their hearts to choose life for their preborn children. Transform them by Your grace and use them to raise up their children in the fear and instruction of the Lord. For those who are not ready to be parents give them the courage to give these children up for adoption to couples who will raise them up to know You. O God stir the hearts of Your people to take these children and parents into our homes and local congregations.
God, we pray for the healing ministry of Christ to bind the wounds in the hearts of Your people who have been involved in an abortion. God, help Your people to live in the forgiveness, grace, healing, acceptance, and righteousness that is rightfully ours in Jesus Christ. By Your Spirit, awaken these wounded warriors and raise them up to be champions for preborn children, ministers of Christ's love to their parents, and the multiplied millions (mothers, fathers, grandparents, siblings, relatives, and friends) who have been negatively impacted by abortion. The harvest of those broken and hurting from abortion is plentiful and the laborers are few. We pray Lord Jesus that You would send laborers into this harvest. We pray for the forgiveness, healing, and salvation of Jesus Christ to flow to men, women, families, churches, communities, cities, states, and nations that have been devastated by the scourge of abortion.
God, we pray for the abortion doctors and abortion clinic workers who are doing what you hate - shedding innocent blood - every time they are involved in an abortion procedure. For their acts they are deserving of Your wrath. Yet in your wrath we ask that You would remember mercy. In Your mercy, You sent Your Son, the Lord Jesus, to be killed on a tree by wicked men to make forgiveness and eternal life with You a reality for all who would trust Him. O God send us to these men and women to minister the gospel of Christ. Convict them of their guilt regarding their evil acts against You and humanity. Remove the blinders of the evil one from their minds and open their eyes and hearts to see You and Your love even for them. By Your Spirit lead them to confess and repent of their sins as they turn to the Lord Jesus Christ.
And lastly, God we ask that You would bless the work of every pregnancy center, local church, abortion recovery and pro-life ministry that You have called to this work.
* May Your Presence go before them and be with them;
* Grant intercessors for these ministries to daily pray for them;
* Protect them and their families from evil;
* Fill them with the power of the Holy Spirit for the work You've assigned them to;
* Use them to fulfill their unique role in Your eternal purpose;
* Provide the resources needed to do the work;
* Build strong partnerships locally, nationally, and internationally.
Father, as a result of You hearing and answering our pray may You be glorified and multiplied millions of lives be saved, spiritually and physically, throughout the world. In Jesus' name. Amen!